ive been spending the last 5 months or something trying to make my garage into a nice little room i can record some acid jams in. and maybe some jams that don't involve acid. and maybe some acid that doesn't involve any jams. just a good solid room where people can't hear me make music and or do acid, you know? the american dream. i got some pics of the construction process and maybe its just cause i was there but its crazy for me to look back and see the magical transformation. its not really done yet either, but the construction is over. and thank god cause i was sick of going to home depot 3 times a day and renting the truck from home depot every other day to haul a shit ton a lumber to my house. that shit sucked. but i also felt like a man. so ive still got to furnish it all pretty cause it doesn't look very cool yet, and its not been precisely acoustically treated yet and all that. but im excited to have a space to track stuff, so look forward to some hot new tracks. prolly mostly fart noises and SFX kinda stuff. oh, and i figured i'd put the dates on there so you could see the progress. i just watch way too much hgtv and diy i think. or extreme home makeover. except that guy, ty or whatever, is just so freakin hateable. he sucks. not like in a 'heres why he sucks' way. just like ew. i hate him. yay!