hey brah. i got my photos put back up and im gonna try to add more cause i missed it. its been a lil while. basically i moved to long beach a few months ago and we threw a little bbq housewarming party on the 4th of july. we got a second doggie (in addition to gordie) named winnie and shes chill as fuh. we grilled some veggie stuff that the non veggie people hated, played some wii, bounced and boxed in a boxing ring bounce house, and rode bikes around during the fireworks. i really really need to be home more often. like ALOT more often. and for longer periods of time. oh and if you knew about the hellogoodbye kickball bbq last year, im really really wanting to do something like that again during the next time we're home... i just need to figure out what i could do and how it could be fun for everyone that came. cause you wouldn't want it to be a bust. xo.